Are you looking for our designer door hardware, but would you like to receive it as a complete hardware kit, including levers and locks? Standard sets in the offering integrate the most common trim with world-class Accurate mortise locks, as well as tubular, and dummy configurations. Therefore the buying guide makes it easier for our designers and dealers to quickly specify price complete FORMANI door hardware kits, so that everything required for proper installation arrives on site together.
In Europe, door trim is very rarely delivered with their locks. Door slabs arrive on the job site with the locks already integrated, only requiring the levers and other trim to complete the prehung opening. In North America, the expectation is for the door to be simply prepped for all door hardware, with trim and locks delivered in sets, ready to install in the mortises. Bridgeport Worldwide has developed this buying guide to make high-quality European hardware easy accessible for architects and interior designers in North America to specify and price complete FORMANI hardware kits in their projects.
The buying guide feature eight of our most popular and iconic collections - ONE, INC, ARC, TENSE, ECLIPSE, RIVIO, SQUARE and BASICS. The door handles of this collection are presented as complete FORMANI door hardware kits. Together they present designers with a broad selection of forms and finishes for all types of residential, hospitality or commercial projects. Besidesed that, all of the collections form a total concept, consisting of matching window handles, furniture fittings and other hardware accessories.